tbottest.tc - Testcases

tbot-test come bundled with a bunch of testcases. Here is an overview:

Common Testcases

tbottest.tc.common.escape_ansi(line: str) str[source]

helper for escaping ansi codes


line – string which should be escaped


ansi escaped string

tbottest.tc.common.search_string_in_multiline(search, lines) bool[source]

search string search in multiline lines

  • search – string to search

  • lines – multiline string, in which we search the string


True if found else False

tbottest.tc.common.search_multistring_in_multiline(searches, lines) bool[source]

search mutliple strings in mutli liner

  • search – array of strings to search in lines

  • lines – multiline string, in which we search the string


True if all strings are found else False

tbottest.tc.common.lx_cmd_exists(lnx: LinuxShell, cmd) bool[source]

check if command on linux machine exists

  • lnx – Linux machine we run on

  • cmd – command name

tbottest.tc.common.lx_devmem2_get(lnx: LinuxShell, addr: str, typ: str) str[source]

use devmem2 to read value from addr

  • lnx – Linux machine we run on

  • addr – address we act on

  • type

    devmem2 type
    access operation type : [b]yte, [h]alfword, [w]ord, [l]ong



tbottest.tc.common.lnx_check_revfile(lnx: LinuxShell, revfile, difffile=None, timeout=None) bool[source]

compare the register values defined in revfile with the values read on Linux machine with devmem2

If difffile != None write differences found into this file.

see also: tbottest.tc.generic_board.generic_lnx_check_dump_files()

  • lnx – Linux machine we run on

  • revfile – reference file we use

  • diffile – if not None, file in which testcase writes differences found

  • timeout – timeout between devmem2 calls

tbottest.tc.common.lnx_create_revfile(lnx: LinuxShell, revfile, startaddr, endaddr, mask='0xffffffff', readtype='w') bool[source]

create a reference file revfile with values read on Linux machine with devmem2 from startaddr to endaddress, and readtype “w”

see also: tbottest.tc.generic_board.generic_lnx_create_dump_files()

  • lnx – Linux machine we run on

  • revfile – created revfile

  • startaddr – address from which the testcase starts dumping

  • endaddr – address on which the testcase stops dumping

  • mask – written mask into revfile

  • readtype – used tpye for devmem2 call, default “w”

tbottest.tc.common.lnx_check_cmd(lnx: LinuxShell, cmd_dict) bool[source]

check commands in list of dictionaries cmd_dict. for each element in list execute command cmd_dict[“cmd”] and if cmd_dict[“val”] != “undef” check if cmd_dict[“val”] is in command output

  • lnx (machine) – machine on which commands are executed

  • cmd_dict (dict) – list of dictionary with command and return values.

tbottest.tc.common.lnx_create_random(lnx: LinuxShell, f: str, len: int) bool[source]

create file f with len bytes and random content

  • lnx – linux machine on which the file gets created

  • f – full path and filename which gets reated

  • len – length of created file

tbottest.tc.common.lnx_compare_files(lnx: LinuxShell, f1: str, o1: int, f2: str, o2: int, length: int) bool[source]

compare the content of the 2 files f1 @ offset o1 and f2 @ o2 raise RuntimeError if they differ.

  • lnx – linux machine on which the files get compared

  • f1 – full path to first file

  • o1 – offset in first file

  • f2 – full path to second file

  • o2 – offset in first file

  • length – length (in bytes)

tbottest.tc.common.lnx_get_hwaddr(lnx: LinuxShell, name: str) str[source]

get MAC address from interface output

ToDo: add a cache if often called

  • lnx – linux machine from which we want to get the hwaddr

  • name – name of the interface

tbottest.tc.common.lnx_get_ipaddr(lnx: LinuxShell, name: str, ip6: bool = False, poll: int = 5, sleep: int = 2) str[source]

get ipaddr from ifconfig output

ToDo: add a cache if often called

  • lnx – linux machine from which we want to get the ipaddr

  • name – name of the interface

  • ip6 – set to true if you want the ipv6 addr

  • poll – if != 0 poll n times to get the ip

  • sleep – sleep in seconds between polls

tbottest.tc.common.lnx_start_bin_with_timeout(lnx: LinuxShell, binary: str, seconds: float) None[source]

start binary binary for n seconds

  • lnx – linux machine we work on

  • binary – name of the binary which get started

  • seconds – seconds it get executed

tbottest.tc.common.lnx_wait_for_ip(lnx: LinuxShell, name: str, loops: int, timeout: int, ip6: bool = False) str[source]

wait until ip is set on device name

  • lnx – linux machine we run

  • name – name of the device for which we wait for the ip

  • ip6 – set to True if you want to get ipv6 ipaddr

  • loops – maximal wait loops

  • timeout – timeout if process is not found


ip addr

tbottest.tc.common.lnx_wait_for_file(lnx: LinuxShell, name: str, loops: int, timeout: int) bool[source]

wait until file with name name is found with “ls -l”

  • lnx – linux machine we run

  • name – name of the file for which we wait

  • loops – maximal wait loops

  • timeout – timeout if file is not found

tbottest.tc.common.lnx_wait_for_module(lnx: LinuxShell, name: str, loops: int, timeout: int) bool[source]

wait until module with name is loaded

  • lnx – linux machine we run

  • name – name of the module for which we wait

  • loops – maximal wait loops

  • timeout – timeout if modulename is not found

tbottest.tc.common.lnx_wait_for_process(lnx: LinuxShell, name: str, loops: int, timeout: int) bool[source]

wait until process with name name is found with pidof

  • lnx – linux machine we run

  • name – name of the process for which we wait

  • loops – maximal wait loops

  • timeout – timeout if process is not found

tbottest.tc.common.board_ub_delete_env(ub: Optional[UBootShell] = None, mtdparts=['env', 'env-red']) None[source]

erase the MTD partitions defined in mtdparts

  • ub – U-Boot machine we run on

  • mtdparts – List of dictionary with MTD parts we want to delete

mtdparts = [
    {"name":"bootloader", "size":"180000"},
    {"name":"env", "size":"10000"},
    {"name":"env-red", "size":"10000"},
    {"name":"keys", "size":"10000"},
    {"name":"rescue", "size":"3e50000"},
tbottest.tc.common.board_ub_delete_emmc(ub: Optional[UBootShell] = None, device: str = None, erasesz: str = None) None[source]

delete the emmc device

  • ub – U-Boot machine we run on

  • device – U-Boots dev number for the mmc

  • erasesz – number of blocks which get erased (started from offset 0)

tbottest.tc.common.board_wait_for_device(lnx: Optional[LinuxShell] = None, device: Optional[str] = None, retries: int = 1, retry_timeout: float = 0.1) None[source]

wait for device until it is up

  • lnx – linux machine we work on

  • device – path to device we wait for

  • retries – retry count

  • retry_timeout – float, sleep after device is not up

tbottest.tc.common.board_set_default(lab: Optional[LinuxShell] = None, ub: Optional[UBootShell] = None, lnx: Optional[LinuxShell] = None, mtdparts=['env', 'env-red'], device: str = None, erasesz: str = None) None[source]

set board into default state, so we have a clean base for all our tests.

  • delete SPI NOR

  • delete emmc

  • lab – lab linux machine

  • ub – U-Boot machine we run on

  • lnx – board linux machine

  • mtdparts – List of MTD parts we want to delete

  • device – U-Boots dev number for the mmc

  • erasesz – number of blocks which get erased (started from offset 0)

tbottest.tc.common.lab_check_part_exists_and_create(lab: Optional[LinuxShell] = None, device: Optional[str] = None, partition: Optional[str] = None) None[source]

check if partition exists on device.

ToDo: create it if not

  • lab – linux machine we work on

  • device – device on which the partition must exist

  • partition – partition name

tbottest.tc.common.ub_check_i2c_dump(ub, dev, address, i2c_dump) bool[source]

check if i2c dump is correct

  • ub – U-Boot Machine we run

  • dev – i2c dev number

  • address – i2c addr

  • i2c_dump – list of dumped lines, see example below

sample_i2c_dump = [
    "0x00: 11 00 00 21 00 01 3f 01 00 7f 00 00 00 00 00 81",
    "0x10: 00 00 3f 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 ad de xx xx",

before ":" start address, after list of values
       'xx' ignore
tbottest.tc.common.lnx_check_beeper(lnx: Optional[LinuxShell] = None, beeper=None) None[source]

check if dmesg output contains strings in dmesg_list

  • lnx – linux machine on which beeper command is executed

  • beeper – list of dictionwry with infos for beeper

beeper definition example:

beep = [
    {"freq":"440", "length":"1000", "device", "/dev/input/by-path/platform-buzzer-event"},
tbottest.tc.common.lnx_check_dmesg(lnx: Optional[LinuxShell] = None, dmesg_strings=None, dmesg_false_strings=None) bool[source]

check if dmesg output contains strings in dmesg_list

  • lnx – linux machine on which dmesg command is executed

  • dmesg_strings (list) – list of strings which must be in dmesg

  • dmesg_false_strings (list) – list of strings which sould not occur in dmesg

tbottest.tc.common.lnx_create_file(lnx: Optional[LinuxShell] = None, filename: Optional[AnyStr] = None, filedata: List = []) str[source]

create a file with filename on linux machine lnx with lines in array filedata.


scriptname = "/tmp/cansend.sh"
filedata = ["#!/bin/sh",
    "while true;do",
    "    sleep 5",
    "    cansend can0 15a#1122334455667788",

lnx_create_file(lab, scriptname, filedata)
  • lnx – linux machine on which the file is created

  • filename – string of the created file

  • filedata – List of lines

tbottest.tc.common.lnx_install_package(lnx: LinuxShell, package: str) bool[source]

detect OS version installed on linux machine and try to install package

  • lnx – linux machine on which the package is installed

  • package – Name of the package

tbottest.tc.common.tbot_copy_file_to_board(lab: LinuxShell, lnx: LinuxShell, ethdevice: str, filename: str) None[source]

copy file filename from lab host in tmpdir to board on tmpdir

  • lab – lab machine where the file can be found

  • lnx – linux machine to which the file gets copied

  • ethdevice – ethernet device which is used

  • filename – name of the file

tbottest.tc.common.tbot_start_script_on_board(lab: LinuxShell, lnx: LinuxShell, ethdevice: str, scriptname: str)[source]

copy script scriptname from lab host in tftp dir to board on tmpdir and execute it

  • lab – lab machine where the script can be found

  • lnx – linux machine to which the script gets copied

  • ethdevice – ethernet device which is used

  • scriptname – name of the script

tbottest.tc.common.tbot_start_script_on_lab(lab: LinuxShell, lnx: LinuxShell, ethdevice: str, logfilename: str, scriptname: str, labtbottestcasepath: str)[source]

copy an log file to labhost and start script scriptname, which should check, if logfile is Ok.

  • lab – lab machine where the script can be found

  • lnx – linux machine to which the script gets copied

  • ethdevice – ethernet device which is used

  • logfilename – logfilename

  • scriptname – name of the script

  • labtbottestcasepath – path where the script can be found on lab

tbottest.tc.common.tbot_start_thread(lnx: Optional[LinuxShell] = None, cmd: Optional[str] = None) UUID[source]

start linux command in thread and return an id

output of the command gets stored in

stdout : f"/tmp/thread_1_{tid}"
stderr : f"/tmp/thread_2_{tid}"
  • lnx – linux machine where the command cmd is started in background

  • cmd – command which gets started in background


uuid.UUID id

tbottest.tc.common.tbot_stop_thread(tid: Optional[UUID] = None, signal: Optional[str] = None) int[source]

stop linux command with tid

  • lnx – linux machine where the command cmd is started in background

  • tid – id got from tbot_start_thread

  • signal – may you need to kill the process with an special signal number

tbottest.tc.common.sudo_subshell(lnx: LinuxShell = None, cmds: str = [], password: str = None) list[source]

execute in a sudo subshell the commands in cmds

Best you use a passwordless sudo approach, for example add in /etc/sudoers

<username>     ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL

If not possible pass the sudo password to this function.

This function is more or less just an example how to execute commands under sudo, because the commands are only executed without any possibility to check the output.

If you need this, see this as an example how to!

  • lnx – linux machine where the command cmd is started in background

  • str – sudo password, pass None (default) if not needed

  • cmds (list) – list of commands (strings), which are run under sudo

CAN Tests

tbottest.tc.can.board_setup_can(lnx: LinuxShell, candev: List[str] = ['can0', 'can1'], br: str = '500000', tql: str = '500', usesudo: bool = False) None[source]

setup the can interface on linux machine

  • lnx – linux machine where we work on

  • candev – List of candevices which get intialized

  • br – used bitrate

  • tql – use tx queuelen

  • usesudo – if we need a sudo for calling ip command

tbottest.tc.can.lnx_can_write_dump_compare(lab: LinuxShell, lnx: LinuxShell, lnxsend: LinuxShell, senddev: List[str], lnxread: LinuxShell, readdev: List[str], bitrate: str, txqueuelen: str, data: List[dict]) None[source]

send in lnxsend shell with cansend over senddev the data and dump it with candump in lnxread shell on readdev. Use bitrate and txqueuelen

  • lab – linux machine where we work on

  • lnx – linux machine where we work on

  • lnxsend – linux machine from where we send CAN data

  • senddev – List of device from which we send

  • lnxread – linux machine where we receive CAN data

  • readdev – devices from which we read

  • bitrate – used bitrate

  • txqueuelen – used txqueuelen

  • data – List of dictionary, see below

data is an dictionary with format:

{"dev":"linux device name", "data":"data format strig for cansend", "res":"resulting line in dump file created from candump"}
tbottest.tc.can.board_lnx_cangen(lab: Optional[LinuxShell] = None, lnx: Optional[LinuxShell] = None, lnxsend: Optional[LinuxShell] = None, labtbottestcasepath: str = None, tmpdir: str = '/tmp', candev: List[str] = ['can0', 'can1'], candevsend: List[str] = ['can0'], candevdump: str = 'can0', frames: str = '1000', dllength: str = '8', bitrate: str = '500000', txqueuelen: str = '500', cangen_gap: str = '10') None[source]

use cangen for generating testdata

CPU Tests

tbottest.tc.cpu.board_lnx_cpufreq(lnx: Optional[LinuxShell] = None, cpufreq=None) None[source]

simple cpufreq setup tests.

look for all elements in cpufreq, if the file in “file” contains the value “val”

  • lnx – linux machine we work on

  • cpufreq – List of dictionary see below

cpufreq = [
    {"file" : "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy0/scaling_governor", "val" : "performance"},
    {"file" : "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy0/cpuinfo_max_freq", "val" : "1600000"},
    {"file" : "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy0/stats/time_in_state", "val" : "0"},

generic board test

tbottest.tc.generic_board.generic_lnx_check_dump_files(lnx: Optional[LinuxShell] = None) None[source]

prerequisite: Board boots into linux

compares for all register dumped into revfile if they have the same value on linux machine lnx. Register values are read with devmem2 tool.

You can configure a difffile to which found differences are written.


lnx – linux machine where we run

Uses config variable lnx_dump_files from section TC_DUMPFILES_BOARDNAME in BOARDNAME.ini

lnx_dump_files – array of dictionary with configuration for lnx_check_revfile, see


tbottest.tc.generic_board.generic_lnx_create_dump_files(lnx: Optional[LinuxShell] = None) None[source]

prerequisite: Board boots into linux

create a register dump file with name revfile from startaddr to endaddr with the devmem2 tool. You find the register file in subdir tbotconfig/BOARDNAME/files/dumpfiles

You need to create this subdir before starting this testcase

Once created this register dump file it can be used with testcase


which will check if all register still have the same value. so for example dump for your current linux kernel the pinmux registers into a dump file and after upgrading to a new linux kernel you can be sure that all pinmux registers stil have the same value!


lnx – linux machine where we run

Uses config variable lnx_dump_files from section TC_DUMPFILES_BOARDNAME in BOARDNAME.ini

lnx_dump_files – array of dictionary with configuration for lnx_check_revfile

lnx_dump_files = [{"revfile":"name of revfile", 

        "startaddr":"startaddress of dump", 

        "endaddr":"endaddress of dump", 


        "readtype":"readtype of devmem2 command", 

        "difffile":"file which gets created when there are differences (Set to None to disable it)", 

        "timeout":"timeout between devmem2 calls (set to None to disable it)" 



lnx_dump_files = [{"revfile":"control_module.reg", "startaddr":"0x44e10800", "endaddr":"0x44e10808", "mask":"0xffffffff", "readtype":"w", "difffile":"None", "timeout":"None"}]

creates in tbotconfig/BOARDNAME/files/dump the file control_module.reg with content

$ cat tbotconfig/BOARDNAME/files/dumpfiles/control_module.reg
# pinmux
# processor: ToDo
# hardware : ToDo
# Linux    : Linux xxx-board 5.15.105-stable-standard #1 PREEMPT Thu Mar 30 10:48:01 UTC 2023 armv7l armv7l armv7l GNU/Linux
# regaddr mask type defval
0x44e10800 0xffffffff          w 0x00000031
0x44e10804 0xffffffff          w 0x00000031
tbottest.tc.generic_board.generic_lnx_test_beep(lnx: Optional[LinuxShell] = None) None[source]

prerequisite: Board boots into linux

make a beep


lnx – linux machine where we run

Uses config variable beep from BOARDNAME.ini

beep – array of dictionary with infos for beeping

beep = [{"freq": "440", "length":"1000"}]
tbottest.tc.generic_board.generic_lnx_commands(lnx: Optional[LinuxShell] = None) None[source]

prerequisite: Board boots into linux


lnx – Linux machine we run on

Uses config variables:

lnx_commands – list of dictionary, see below

lnx_commands = [
   {"cmd":"linux command", "val":"string commandoutput, 'undef' if none"},
tbottest.tc.generic_board.generic_lnx_test_dmesg(lnx: Optional[LinuxShell] = None) None[source]

prerequisite: Board boots into linux

call lnx_check_dmesg() which checks dmesg output.


lnx – Linux machine we run on

Uses config variables:

dmesg – list of strings which must be in dmesg output dmesg_false – list of strings which does not appear in dmesg output

dmesg = [
    "remoteproc remoteproc0: remote processor wkup_m3 is now up",

dmesg_false = [
tbottest.tc.generic_board.generic_lnx_test_led(lnx: Optional[LinuxShell] = None) None[source]

prerequisite: Board boots into linux

switch on and off all leds in list cfg.leds

uses lnx_test_led_simple(), see more info there


lnx – Linux machine we run on

Uses config variables: leds – array of dictionary with infos for leds

leds = [
    {"path":"/sys/class/leds/led-orange", "bootval":"0", "onval":"1"},
tbottest.tc.generic_board.generic_kas_get_config(lab: Optional[LinuxShell] = None, bh: Optional[LinuxShell] = None) None[source]

return current kas configuration

  • lab – Lab Linux machine

  • bh – Build host machine


KAS config

tbottest.tc.generic_board.generic_kas_checkout(lab: Optional[LinuxShell] = None, bh: Optional[LinuxShell] = None) None[source]

checks out all yocto layer we need for our yocto build with the help of the kas tool.

See more in KAS class for configuration.

  • lab – Lab Linux machine

  • bh – Build host machine

tbottest.tc.generic_board.generic_kas_build(lab: Optional[LinuxShell] = None, bh: Optional[LinuxShell] = None) None[source]

build all targets defined in kas configuration

See more in KAS class for configuration.

  • lab – Lab Linux machine

  • bh – Build host machine

tbottest.tc.generic_board.generic_kas_check_build(lab: Optional[LinuxShell] = None, bh: Optional[LinuxShell] = None) None[source]

check if oe build finished, if all files listed in kas_check_files exist in deploypath

  • lab – Lab Linux machine

  • bh – Build host machine

Uses config variables: kas_check_files – array of files which must exist

kas_check_files = [
tbottest.tc.generic_board.generic_kas_copy(lab: Optional[LinuxShell] = None, bh: Optional[LinuxShell] = None) Path[source]

simply copy all files listed in kas_results from our build host to our lab host.

  • lab – Lab Linux machine

  • bh – Build host machine

Uses config variables: kas_results – list of files

kas_results = [
tbottest.tc.generic_board.generic_kas_all(lab: Optional[LinuxShell] = None, bh: Optional[LinuxShell] = None) None[source]

simply do all build task in one testcase


generic_kas_checkout(lab, bh)
generic_kas_build(lab, bh)
generic_kas_check_build(lab, bh)
generic_kas_copy(lab, bh)
  • lab – Lab Linux machine

  • bh – Build host machine

HAB (imx specific)

tbottest.tc.hab.ub_check_hab_state(ub: Optional[UBootShell] = None) str[source]

prerequisite: Board boots into U-Boot

check output of U-Boot hab_status command if it does not report errors.


ub – U-Boot machine


output of hab_status command


class tbottest.tc.kas.KAS(cfg: dict)[source]

Bases: object

helper class for building yocto projects with kas


from kas import KAS

cfgkas = {
    "kasurl" : "url from where kas sources get downloaded",
    "kasversion" : "kas version",
    "build_machine" : "machinename",
    "subdir" : "temp/customer",
    "kascontainer" : True,
    "netrc_file" : "path to .netrc file, sets NETRC_FILE",
    "git_credential_store" : "/home/<username>/.git-credentials",
    "ssh_dir" : "/home/<username>/.ssh",
    "kaslayer" : "<path_to_kasconfig_layer>",
    "kaslayername" : "name_of_repo",
    "kaslayerbranch" : "dunfell",
    "kasconfigfile" : "<pathto>/kas-machinename-denx.yml",
    "bitbakeenvinit" : "sources/poky/oe-init-build-env",
    "envinit" : [""],
    "buildtargets" : ["core-image", "rescueimage-fit", "swu-image"]
    "bitbakeoptions" : ["-q -q"]


if you need (or want) to download kas sources from an url, set this.

You do not need to install kas from this sources, as this class simply use run-kas script from within the kas sources.


kas version which get checkedout, when you download kas


machine name which is used for the build


based on the build machines workdir, kas sources get checkout into subdir


to build with kas-container script set kascontainer to True You may need to pass –git-credential-store to the kas-container script. Set this through:


You may need to pass –ssh-dir to the kas-container script. Set this Set this through:


You may need to pass a .netrc file, so set the kas environment varaible NETRC_FILE.

Set this through:


You may want to set the used container engine through KAS_CONTAINER_ENGINE Set this through:


You may want to add “–runtime-args” to kas-container, so set



"kas_runtime_args" : '"-v /work/hs/yocto/download:/workdownload"',

You need the `"` so escape them!


sources which contain your kas config file(s). This class downloads them into kas_get_basepath / “kasconfig”


you can give them an unique name


branch which is used


kas config file which is used


You can define here an auto.conf file, if you need to add special settings. The file is created after kas_checkout ends.

"auto.conf" : ['DL_DIR="/workdownload"',


if you are not using a kas container you need to source the oe environment script (and may have to setup more stuff) before you can call bitbake. This entry contains a list of commandstrings, which are executed when kas has checkout the source code. Default is “sources/poky/oe-init-build-env”


Here you can add additional commands you need, when you build in kas-container


array of strings containing the names of the build targets with which bitbake is called.

If string “bitbake” is in buildtargets, bitbake command is not added to command.

For example you can write

"buildtargets" : ["core-image", "DISTRO=poky-rescue bitbake rescueimage-fit", "swu-image"]

which will result in the following bitbake calls

$ bitbake core-image
$ DISTRO=poky-rescue bitbake rescueimage-fit
$ bitbake rescueimage-fit
$ bitbake swu-image


options with which bitbake is called (for example you may want to pass -q) So with above setting:

"bitbakeoptions" : ["-q -q"]

you get the bitbake calls:

$ bitbake -q -q core-image
$ DISTRO=poky-rescue bitbake rescueimage-fit
$ bitbake -q -q rescueimage-fit
$ bitbake -q -q swu-image
kas_get_basepath() Path[source]

get the basepath where kas works in at your build host

def try_kas_getbasepath(
    lab: Optional[linux.LinuxShell] = None,
    bh: Optional[linux.LinuxShell] = None,
    with tbot.ctx() as cx:
        if lab is None:
            lab = cx.request(tbot.role.LabHost)

        if bh is None:
            bh = cx.request(tbot.role.BuildHost)

        cfgkas["labhost"] = lab
        cfgkas["buildhost"] = bh

        kas = KAS(cfgkas)
        val = kas.kas_get_basepath()
kas_get_buildpath() Path[source]

get the build path kas uses

kas_get_deploypath() Path[source]

get the deploypath kas uses

kas_checkout() None[source]

call “kas checkout” so kas checksout all the needed sources for your ow build, and setup conf directory.

kas_build(buildtargets=None) None[source]

build all buildtargets.

kas_shell() None[source]

enter kas shell

kas_copy(resultimages=None) <module 'tbot.machine.linux.path' from '/home/runner/work/tbottest/tbottest/temp/tbot/tbot/machine/linux/path.py'>[source]

copy all results to tftp path on lab host

resultimages is a list of image names, which should be created from the oe build.


tbottest.tc.leds.lnx_test_led_simple(lnx: Optional[LinuxShell] = None, leds: List[dict] = None) None[source]

simple linux led test. Looks if led file ‘brightness’ has after boot the ‘bootval’ value, than sets the ‘onval’ value, checks if ‘brightness’ file has now this value, and set it back to ‘bootval’.

simple … may we can check gpio register, or i2c gpio expander value… perfect would be to recognize the led through a webcam…

  • lab – linux machine we work on

  • lnx – board linux machine

  • leds – List of dictionary, see below

leds = [
    {"path":"/sys/class/leds/led_blue", "bootval":"0", "onval":"1"},


tbottest.tc.mtd.lnx_mtd_nvram(lnx: LinuxShell, dev: Optional[str] = '/dev/mtd0', tests=None) None[source]

write and reread random data on device dev offsets, bytesize and length is defined in array tests which contain dictionary of form

{"bs" : "1", "cnt" : "2", "seek" : "0"}


tests = [
    {"bs" : "1", "cnt" : "2", "seek" : "0"},
    {"bs" : "1", "cnt" : "2", "seek" : "5"},
    {"bs" : "1", "cnt" : "20", "seek" : "5"},
    {"bs" : "1", "cnt" : "26", "seek" : "0"},
tbottest.tc.mtd.lnx_mtd_nvram_reboot(dev: str = '/dev/mtd0', tests=None) None[source]

prerequisite: Board boots into linux

fill device with random data, as defined in tests an reboot and check if the nvram contains the same data after the reboot.

{"bs" : "1", "cnt" : "2", "seek" : "0"}


tests = [
    {"bs" : "1", "cnt" : "2", "seek" : "0"},
    {"bs" : "1", "cnt" : "2", "seek" : "5"},
    {"bs" : "1", "cnt" : "20", "seek" : "5"},
    {"bs" : "1", "cnt" : "26", "seek" : "0"},


tbottest.tc.network.network_linux_iperf(lnx: LinuxShell, lnxh: LinuxShell, sip: str = 'unknown', intervall: str = '5', cycles: str = '5', minval: str = '40', filename: str = 'iperf.dat', subject: str = 'unkown') bool[source]

start iperf measurement between lnx and lnxh machine

toolname : iperf (oldversion) or iperf3

lnxh : machine where iperf server runs lnx : machine which start iperf client

interval : seconds between periodic throughput reports cycles : count of intervalls


tbottest.tc.process.ps_parse_ps(log) None[source]

parse the log output from ps command called with the options

`pid,tid,pcpu,nice,priority,comm", "H", "-C", pname`


This works not with the busybox version

tbottest.tc.process.ps_parse_top(log, busybox) None[source]

parse the log output from top command called with the options

top -b -n X -d X -c -H | awk ‘($1==”%Cpu(s):”)||($8==”R”)||($1==”MiB”) {print}’

if busybox is True, we get log from busybox output, which is

You get back an arrray containing dictionary

{"loop":<loop>, "cpu_system":<cpu dictionary>, "values",<array of values>}

cpu dictionary contains a dictionary of the form:

{'USER': '93.8', 'SYSTEM': '4.4', 'NICE': '0.0', 'IDLE': '1.8', 'WA': '0.0', 'HI': '0.0', 'SI': '0.0', 'ST': '0.0'}

array of values contain dictionaries of the form:

{'PID': '267', 'USER': 'weston', 'PR': '20', 'NI': '0', 'VIRT': '243672', 'RES': '85304', 'SHR': '13792', 'S': 'R', 'CPU': '62.5', 'MEM': '17.0', 'TIME': '93:29.61', 'CMD': '/usr/bin/weston'}
tbottest.tc.process.lnx_get_process_cpu_usage(lab: LinuxShell, lnx: LinuxShell, pname: str) None[source]

get the current cpu usage of process with name `pname`

you get back a dict of the following format:

{'PID': '172', 'USER': 'root', 'PR': '20', 'NI': '0', 'VIRT': '14720', 'RES': '4340', 'SHR': '3748', 'S': 'S', 'CPU': '0.0', 'MEM': '0.9', 'TIME': '3:31.29', 'CMD': 'rngd'}
tbottest.tc.process.lnx_get_cpu_stats(lnx: LinuxShell) None[source]

get cpu stats from top command

you get back a dict of the following format:

{'CPU': '0.0', 'SYS': '20.0', 'NI': '0.0', 'IDLE': '75.0', 'WA': '0.0', 'HI': '0.0', 'SI': '5.0', 'ST': '0.0'}
tbottest.tc.process.lnx_measure_process(lnx: LinuxShell, pname: str, intervall: float, loops: int) None[source]

measure for a process with name `pname` the cpu usage with `intervall` and `loops`. If `pname` is empty, measure all processes.


This works not with the busybox version

you get back an array which contains a dictionary with entry

{"loop":<loop>, "values",<array of values>}

Array of values contains a dictionary with, see


If there is no such process `values` entry is empty

tbottest.tc.process.is_busybox(lnx: LinuxShell, cmd: str) bool[source]

detect if we have a busybox version of command `cmd`

tbottest.tc.process.lnx_measure_top(lnx: LinuxShell, intervall: float, loops: int) None[source]

call top with intervall `intervall and `loops` and analyse it

you get back an array which contains a dictionary described in testcase


tbottest.tc.process.ps_create_measurement_png(local: LinuxShell, pname, intervall, loops, result) None[source]

create a png on local host based on the results result from testcase:


store the gnuplot data in


call gnuplot with the config file


The output png is stored in `process-usage.png`. Example for viewing it:

$ gwenview process-usage.png

example usage of this testcase:

loops = 30
intervall = 1.0
pname = "QtWebEngineProc"

with tbot.ctx() as cx:
    if lab is None:
        lab = cx.request(tbot.role.LabHost)

    if lnx is None:
        lnx = cx.request(tbot.role.BoardLinux)

    result = lnx_measure_process(lnx, pname, intervall, loops)

    local = cx.request(tbot.role.LocalHost)
    ps_create_measurement_png(local, pname, intervall, loops, result)
tbottest.tc.process.top_create_measurement_png(local: LinuxShell, intervall, loops, result) None[source]

create a png on local host based on the results result from testcase:


store the gnuplot data in


call gnuplot with the config file


The output png is stored in `process-usage.png`. Example for viewing it:

$ gwenview process-usage.png

example usage of this testcase:

loops = 30
intervall = 1.0

with tbot.ctx() as cx:
    if lab is None:
        lab = cx.request(tbot.role.LabHost)

    if lnx is None:
        lnx = cx.request(tbot.role.BoardLinux)

    result = lnx_measure_top(lnx, intervall, loops)

    local = cx.request(tbot.role.LocalHost)
    top_create_measurement_png(local, intervall, loops, result)

example png:



tbottest.tc.rs485.board_lnx_rs485(lab: Optional[LinuxShell] = None, lnx: Optional[LinuxShell] = None, ethdevice=None, rs485labdev=None, rs485baud=None, rs485boarddev=None, rs485lengths=None)[source]

prerequisite: Board boots into linux

simple RS485 test, send and receive some random bytes

  • lab – lab machine where we work on

  • lnx – linux machine where we work on

  • ethdevice – name of ethernetdevice on labhost used for copying files from board to lab

  • rs485labdev – path to serial device on lab host for testing rs485 /dev/serial/by-id/usb-FTDI_FT232R_USB_UART_AB0PI210-if00-port0

  • rs485baud – baudrate used for testing

  • rs485boarddev – list of paths to serial device(s) on board for rs485 test [“/dev/ttymxc2”]

  • rs485lengths – list of lengths used for the test

example call

    rs485lengths="['1", '100']"


tbottest.tc.sensors.board_lnx_tempsensors(lnx: Optional[LinuxShell] = None, sensors=None) None[source]

prerequisite: Board boots into linux

test temp sensors

  • lnx – linux machine where we work on

  • sensors – List of dictionary, see below

sensors = [{"path":"full path to sensor", "name":"name of the sensor", "tmpvalues":[{"valname":"name of the sensor value", "min":"minimal allowed value", "max":"maximal allowed value"}]}]

sensors = [
    {"path" : "/sys/bus/i2c/drivers/tmp102/0-0048/hwmon/hwmon0", "name" : "tmp102", "tmpvalues" : [{"valname" : "temp1_input", "min" : "0", "max" : "100000"}]},
    {"path" : "/sys/bus/i2c/drivers/tmp102/0-0049/hwmon/hwmon1", "name" : "tmp102", "tmpvalues" : [{"valname" : "temp1_input", "min" : "0", "max" : "100000"}]},
    {"path" : "/sys/bus/i2c/drivers/tmp102/0-004a/hwmon/hwmon2", "name" : "tmp102", "tmpvalues" : [{"valname" : "temp1_input", "min" : "0", "max" : "100000"}]},
    {"path" : "/sys/bus/i2c/drivers/tmp102/0-004b/hwmon/hwmon3", "name" : "tmp102", "tmpvalues" : [{"valname" : "temp1_input", "min" : "0", "max" : "100000"}]},


Testcases for testing devices which use swupdate.

tbottest.tc.swu.board_lnx_check_swu(lab: Optional[LinuxShell] = None, usesshmachine: bool = False) None[source]

check if swupdate-client.py is installed on lab host if not, try install into lab.toolsdir

  • lab – lab machine where we work on

  • usesshmachine – set to True if you want to use labs sshmachine instead of lab

tbottest.tc.swu.board_lnx_swu(lab: Optional[LinuxShell] = None, lnx: Optional[LinuxShell] = None, swuimage: str = None, ipaddr: str = None, usesshmachine: bool = False)[source]

install swuimage with swupdate_client.py on lab_host to board with ipaddr.

  • lab – lab linux machine

  • lnx – board linux machine

  • swuimage – path to swuimage

  • ipaddr – address of board to where swuimage gets installed

  • usesshmachine – set to True if you want to use labs sshmachine instead of lab

tbottest.tc.swu.swu_swupdate_from_file(lab: Optional[LinuxShell] = None, lnx: Optional[LinuxShell] = None, swuimage: str = None) str[source]

update the software with swupdate on the lnx machine.

Use swupdate-image binary on lnx machine with swupdate image swuimage (full path to swuimage)

  • lab – lab linux machine

  • lnx – board linux machine

  • swuimage – path to swuimage


tbottest.tc.systemd.systemd_stop_service(lnx: Optional[LinuxShell] = None, name: str = '') None[source]

stops a service on linux machine lnx

  • lnx – board linux machine

  • name – name of the systemd service

tbottest.tc.systemd.systemd_get_log_from_service(lnx: Optional[LinuxShell] = None, name: str = '') str[source]

returns the log of a systemd service

  • lnx – board linux machine

  • name – name of the systemd service


log of “journalctl –all –no-pager -u name”

tbottest.tc.systemd.systemd_active(lnx: Optional[LinuxShell] = None) bool[source]

check if systemd is installed


lnx – board linux machine


tbottest.tc.tpm.board_lnx_tpm2(lab: Optional[LinuxShell] = None, lnx: Optional[LinuxShell] = None) None[source]

simply check if we find some strings from tpm start check, if tpm has correct major version. And check if eltt2 tool detects correct vendor

TODO: Make this testcase more generic.

  • lab – lab linux machine

  • lnx – board linux machine


tbottest.tc.yocto.check_yocto_build_install_sdk(lnx: LinuxShell = None, sdk_install_path: str = None, sdk_path: str = None, sdk_name: str = None) None[source]

install SDK.

  • lnx – board linux machine

  • sdk_install_path – path to where the SDK gets installed

  • sdk_path – path where to find the SDK installation scirpt

  • sdk_name – SDK installation scripts name

tbottest.tc.yocto.check_yocto_sdk_get_scriptname(lnx: LinuxShell = None) None[source]

return scriptname of installed SDK


lnx – board linux machine