Source code for

import tbot
from tbot.machine import linux
from tbot.context import Optional

[docs]@tbot.testcase def board_lnx_tempsensors( lnx: Optional[linux.LinuxShell] = None, sensors=None, ) -> None: """ prerequisite: Board boots into linux test temp sensors :param lnx: linux machine where we work on :param sensors: List of dictionary, see below .. code-block:: python sensors = [{"path":"full path to sensor", "name":"name of the sensor", "tmpvalues":[{"valname":"name of the sensor value", "min":"minimal allowed value", "max":"maximal allowed value"}]}] sensors = [ {"path" : "/sys/bus/i2c/drivers/tmp102/0-0048/hwmon/hwmon0", "name" : "tmp102", "tmpvalues" : [{"valname" : "temp1_input", "min" : "0", "max" : "100000"}]}, {"path" : "/sys/bus/i2c/drivers/tmp102/0-0049/hwmon/hwmon1", "name" : "tmp102", "tmpvalues" : [{"valname" : "temp1_input", "min" : "0", "max" : "100000"}]}, {"path" : "/sys/bus/i2c/drivers/tmp102/0-004a/hwmon/hwmon2", "name" : "tmp102", "tmpvalues" : [{"valname" : "temp1_input", "min" : "0", "max" : "100000"}]}, {"path" : "/sys/bus/i2c/drivers/tmp102/0-004b/hwmon/hwmon3", "name" : "tmp102", "tmpvalues" : [{"valname" : "temp1_input", "min" : "0", "max" : "100000"}]}, ] """ if sensors is None: raise RuntimeError("please config sensors") for s in sensors: values = s["tmpvalues"] for val in values: tmp = f'{s["path"]}/name' out = lnx.exec0("cat", tmp) if s["name"] not in out: raise RuntimeError( f'wrong name {s["name"]} for {s["path"]} temp sensor. Out: {out}' ) tmp = f'{s["path"]}/{val["valname"]}' out = lnx.exec0("cat", tmp) tempval = int(out.strip("")) if tempval > int(val["max"]): raise RuntimeError(f'temp values {tempval} > allowed value {val["max"]}') if tempval < int(val["min"]): raise RuntimeError(f'temp values {tempval} < allowed value {val["min"]}')