
A module containing various additional connectors for controlling power. These are:

class tbottest.powercontrol.PowerShellScriptControl[source]

Bases: PowerControl

control Power On/off with a shell script

The shell script needs to evaluate the first parameter passed to the script. Values are:

“on” for powering on the board

“off” for powering off the board

Example: (board config)

from tbot.machine import board
from tbottest.powercontrol import PowerShellScriptControl

class MyControl(PowerShellScriptControl, board.Board):
    shell_script = "<path to shell script"
abstract property shell_script: str

shell command executed

This property is required.

class tbottest.powercontrol.SispmControl[source]

Bases: PowerControl

control Power On/off with sispmctl


Example: (board config)

from tbot.machine import board
from tbottest.powercontrol import SispmControl

class MyControl(SispmControl, board.Board):
    sispmctl_device = "01:01:5c:29:39"
    sispmctl_port = "2"
abstract property sispmctl_device: str

Device used. Get device id with sispcmtl -s

This property is required.

abstract property sispmctl_port: str

port used.

This property is required.

class tbottest.powercontrol.TinkerforgeControl[source]

Bases: PowerControl

control Power On/off with Tinkerforge


Example: (board config)

from tbot.machine import board
from tbottest.powercontrol import Tinkerforge

class MyControl(Tinkerforge, board.Board):
    channel = ""
    uid = ""
abstract property channel: str

channel used.

This property is required.

abstract property uid: str

This property is required.