
A module containing various additional machine initializers. These are:

class tbottest.machineinit.UsbSdpLoad[source]

Bases: Initializer

Machine-initializer for loading SPL/U-Boot image into RAM with imx_usb_loader tool from NXP and using Serial Download over USB

source: https://github.com/boundarydevices/imx_usb_loader

installation of tool: https://github.com/boundarydevices/imx_usb_loader/blob/master/README.md#installation

Example: (board config)

from tbot.machine import board
from tbottest.powercontrol import SispmControl
from tbottest.machineinit import UsbSdpLoad

class MyControl(SispmControl, board.Board):
    sispmctl_device = "01:01:5c:29:39"
    sispmctl_port = "2"

class MyControlLoadUB(MyControl, UsbSdpLoad):
    def get_imx_usb_loader(self):
        p = self.host.toolsdir()
        return p / "imx_usb_loader"

    def usb_loader_bins(self):
        p = self.host.yocto_result_dir()
        return [ p / "SPL.signed", p / "u-boot-ivt.img.signed"]

This class sets also a tbot flag “usbloader”

if passed to tbot, this class is active, if not passed this class does nothing.

abstract get_imx_usb_loader() Path[H][source]
def get_imx_usb_loader(self) -> linux.Path:

return lh.workdir / “tools” / “imx_usb_loader”

Return type:



Path to the imx_usb_loader directory on your LabHost

abstract usb_loader_bins() List[str][source]

return list of linux.Path to usb loader binaries

def usb_loader_bins(self):

p = self.host.yocto_result_dir() return [ p / “SPL.signed”, p / “u-boot-ivt.img.signed”]

This property is required.

class tbottest.machineinit.UUULoad[source]

Bases: Initializer

Machine-initializer for loading SPL/U-Boot image into RAM with uuu tool from NXP and using Serial Download over USB

source: https://github.com/NXPmicro/mfgtools.git

installation: https://github.com/NXPmicro/mfgtools#how-to-build

We may can check if tool is installed and if not install it automagically…

Example: (board config)

from tbot.machine import board
from tbottest.powercontrol import SispmControl
from tbottest.machineinit import UUULoad

class MyControl(SispmControl, board.Board):
    sispmctl_device = "01:01:5c:29:39"
    sispmctl_port = "2"

class MyControlLoadUB(MyControl, UUULoad):
    def get_uuu_tool(self):
        return self.host.toolsdir()

    def uuu_loader_steps(self):
        p = self.host.yocto_result_dir()
        return [linux.Raw(f"SDP: boot -f /srv/tftpboot/SPL"),
            linux.Raw(f"SDPV: delay 100"),
            linux.Raw(f"SDPV: write -f /srv/tftpboot/u-boot-dtb.img -addr 0x877fffc0 -skipfhdr"),
            linux.Raw(f"SDPV: jump -addr 0x877fffc0"),

This class sets also a tbot flag “uuuloader”

if passed to tbot, this class is active, if not passed this class does nothing.

abstract get_uuu_tool() Path[H][source]
def get_uuu_tool(self) -> linux.Path:

return lh.workdir / “tools”

Return type:



Path to the uuu directory on your LabHost

abstract uuu_loader_steps() List[str][source]

return list of steps to do for uuu tool

def uuu_loader_steps(self):

p = self.host.yocto_result_dir() return [linux.Raw(f”SDP: boot -f /srv/tftpboot/SPL”),

linux.Raw(f”SDPV: delay 100”), linux.Raw(f”SDPV: write -f /srv/tftpboot/u-boot-dtb.img -addr 0x877fffc0 -skipfhdr”), linux.Raw(f”SDPV: jump -addr 0x877fffc0”), ]

This property is required.

class tbottest.machineinit.LauterbachLoad[source]

Bases: Initializer


I do not longer own a Lauterbach debugger, so may this class is broken

TRACE32’s configuration file “config.t32” has to contain these lines: RCL=NETASSIST PORT=20000 The port value may be changed but has to match with the port number used with this python script.

currently we use t32apicmd.py, but we used code from t32remotedo.py which does not work … so need more rework!

Also add in config.t32 the line


so if you start trace32 and there is another running (or crashed) instance running, it get killed.

abstract get_trace32_config() str[source]
def get_trace32_path(self) -> str:

return “<pathto>/config.t32”

Return type:



Path to the config.t32 file on your Host

abstract get_trace32_script() str[source]
def get_trace32_path(self) -> str:

return “<pathto>/autoboot.cmm”

Return type:



Path to the cript file on your Host