
It is possible to lock a board in a lab, so only tbot calls with a valid lockid are started. A lockid is a simple string, passed to tbot with the tbot flag

lablockid:<your locking ID>

Enable this feature in tbot.ini file with

uselocking = yes

default is no, so disabled.

Example run

reserve a board on the lab host

reserve a board on a lab host with lockid foobar

$ tbottest/newtbot_starter.py @tbotconfig/foo/args/argsfoo-noeth -f lablockid:foobar tbotconfig.interactive.lab

Now tbot created on your lab host the following lockfile lab.tmpdir/boardname-lablock which contains the lockid string.

You can only access the board now with passing -f lablockid:foobar, all other tbot calls will fail!

start a tbot call with the wrong tbot flag

$ tbottest/newtbot_starter.py @tbotconfig/foo/args/argsfoo-noeth -f lablockid:foo tbotconfig.interactive.lab
     tbot starting ...
     ├─TBOT.FLAGS ['boardfile:tbotconfig/foo/foo.ini', 'do_power', 'inifile:tbotconfig/foo/tbot.ini', 'lablockid:foo', 'noboardethinit', 'noethinit', 'picocom', 'useifconfig']
     ├─boardname now foo
     ├─Calling lab ...
           ├─passed lockid foo is not the same as lockid in file /tmp/tbot/pi/foo/foo-lablock. Boardname foo is locked through ID foobar
           └─Fail. (0.493s)
     └─FAILURE (3.484s)

call tbot without lockid fails too:

$ tbottest/newtbot_starter.py @tbotconfig/foo/args/argsfoo-noeth tbotconfig.interactive.lab
tbot starting ...
├─TBOT.FLAGS ['boardfile:tbotconfig/foo/foo.ini', 'do_power', 'inifile:tbotconfig/foo/tbot.ini', 'noboardethinit', 'noethinit', 'picocom', 'useifconfig']
├─boardname now foo
├─Calling lab ...
[...]   ├─Calling lab_get_lock ...
[...]         └─Done. (0.107s)      └─Fail. (0.496s)   └─Fail. (3.154s)
│   Traceback (most recent call last):
[...]   RuntimeError: NO LABLOCKID passed, please pass tbot flag 'lablockid:<yourlockid>'
└─FAILURE (3.329s)

remove the reservation

delete the lock with

$ tbottest/newtbot_starter.py @tbotconfig/foo/args/argsfoo-noeth -f lablockid:foobar tbottest.common.boardlocking.lab_rm_lock
     tbot starting ...
     ├─TBOT.FLAGS ['boardfile:tbotconfig/foo/foo.ini', 'do_power', 'inifile:tbotconfig/foo/tbot.ini', 'lablockid:foobar', 'noboardethinit', 'noethinit', 'picocom', 'useifconfig']
     ├─boardname now foo
     ├─Calling lab_rm_lock ...
        ├─[lab8] rm /tmp/tbot/pi/foo/foo-lablock
        └─Done. (5.862s)
     └─SUCCESS (5.916s)


tbottest.common.boardlocking.lab_get_lockname(lab) Path[source]

returns the lockfile name for the boardname on the lab lab

tbottest.common.boardlocking.lab_get_lock_info(lab: Optional[LinuxShell] = None) str[source]

check if the locking file for the boardname exists.

If not it returns 1, “”

If lockingfile for the board exists return

0, lockid

The lockid is a string, which is in the first line of the lockfile

tbottest.common.boardlocking.lab_get_lock(lab: Optional[LinuxShell] = None) str[source]

Tries to get the lock for the boardname in the lab

Therefore you must pass your locking ID (simple string with the tbot flag “lablockid:<your locking ID> when you start tbot.

If there is no lockfile for the boardname in the lab, you get the lock for the boardname, until you call


If there is a lockfile for the board already, you have to pass the correct locking ID, to get further. If you have not passed the correct locking ID, tbot will fail with an error!

tbottest.common.boardlocking.lab_rm_lock(lab: Optional[LinuxShell] = None) str[source]

Tries to remove the lock for the boardname in the lab

Therefore you must pass your locking ID (simple string with the tbot flag “lablockid:<your locking ID> when you start tbot.

You must pass the correct lockid to remove the lock for the boardname in this lab.