tbottest.tbotconfig - ini file config

Example for a configuration, best you make your own repo for this! See configuration

boardspecific setup

tbottest.tbotconfig.boardspecific.BOARDNAME_get_lab_serverip(filename: Optional[str] = None)[source]

helper to save ini file reads

tbottest.tbotconfig.boardspecific.BOARDNAME_get_board_ipaddr(filename: Optional[str] = None)[source]

helper to save ini file reads

tbottest.tbotconfig.boardspecific.board_set_boardname() str[source]

sample implementation as example how to set own boardname

This name is used for selecting the sections in the ini files

So you can have in one lab setup more than one boards


helper to save ini file reads


helper to save ini file reads


sample implementation for U-Boot setup dependent on tbot.flags

tbottest.tbotconfig.boardspecific.set_board_cfg(temp: Optional[str] = None, filename: Optional[str] = None)[source]

setup board specific stuff in ini files before they get parsed