
A module containing various additional connectors:

class tbottest.connector.KermitConnector(mach: LinuxShell)[source]

Bases: ConsoleConnector

Connect to a serial console using kermit

You can configure the device name using the kermit_cfg_file property.

Example: (board config)

from tbot.machine import board
from tbottest.connector import KermitConnector

class MyBoard(KermitConnector, board.Board):
    kermit_cfg_file = "path to config file"

BOARD = MyBoard

mach (LinuxShell) – A cloneable lab-host machine. The ConsoleConnector will try to clone this machine’s connection and use that to connect to the board. This means that you have to make sure you give the correct lab-host for your respecitive board to the constructor here.

abstract property kermit_cfg_file: str

kermit config file

This property is required.

class tbottest.connector.PicocomConnector(mach: LinuxShell)[source]

Bases: ConsoleConnector

Connect to a serial console using picocom

Example: (board config)

from tbot.machine import board
from tbottest.connector import PicocomConnector

class MyBoard(PicocomConnector, board.Board):
    baudrate = 115200
    device = /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Prolific_Technology_Inc._USB-Serial_Controller-if00-port0

BOARD = MyBoard

mach (LinuxShell) – A cloneable lab-host machine. The ConsoleConnector will try to clone this machine’s connection and use that to connect to the board. This means that you have to make sure you give the correct lab-host for your respecitive board to the constructor here.