Source code for tbottest.connector

import abc
import contextlib
import time
from tbot.machine import channel, connector, linux

__all__ = (

[docs]class KermitConnector(connector.ConsoleConnector): """ Connect to a serial console using kermit You can configure the device name using the ``kermit_cfg_file`` property. **Example**: (board config) .. code-block:: python from tbot.machine import board from tbottest.connector import KermitConnector class MyBoard(KermitConnector, board.Board): kermit_cfg_file = "path to config file" BOARD = MyBoard """ @property def kermit_delay(self) -> float: """ delay after exit, default None """ return 0.0 @property @abc.abstractmethod def kermit_cfg_file(self) -> str: """ kermit config file This property is **required**. """ raise Exception("abstract method") @contextlib.contextmanager def kermitconnect(self, mach: linux.LinuxShell) -> channel.Channel: KERMIT_PROMPT = b"C-Kermit>" ch = mach.open_channel("kermit", self.kermit_cfg_file) try: try: ret =, timeout=2) buf = ret.decode(errors="replace") if "Locked" in buf: raise RuntimeError(f"serial line is locked {buf}") except TimeoutError: pass yield ch finally: ch.sendcontrol("\\") ch.send("C") ch.read_until_prompt(KERMIT_PROMPT) ch.sendline("exit") # get original prompt... if self.kermit_delay != 0.0: time.sleep(self.kermit_delay) def connect(self, mach: linux.LinuxShell) -> channel.Channel: return self.kermitconnect(mach)
[docs]class PicocomConnector(connector.ConsoleConnector): """ Connect to a serial console using picocom **Example**: (board config) .. code-block:: python from tbot.machine import board from tbottest.connector import PicocomConnector class MyBoard(PicocomConnector, board.Board): baudrate = 115200 device = /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Prolific_Technology_Inc._USB-Serial_Controller-if00-port0 noreset BOARD = MyBoard """ @property def delay(self) -> float: """ delay after exit, default None """ return 0.0 @property @abc.abstractmethod def baudrate(self) -> str: """ baudrate (picocom argument -b) This property is **required**. """ raise Exception("abstract method") @property @abc.abstractmethod def device(self) -> str: """ tty device (argument -l) This property is **required**. """ raise Exception("picocom abstract method") @property def noreset(self) -> bool: """ Pass -r picocom argument picocom manual says: If given, picocom will not reset the serial port when exiting. It will just close the respective filedescriptor and do nothing more. The serial port settings will not be restored to their original values and, unless the --hangup option is also given, the modem-control lines will not beaffected. This is useful, for example, for leaving modems connected when exiting picocom. Regardless whether the --noreset option is given, the user can exit picocom using the "Quit"command (instead of "Exit"), which makes picocom behave exactly as if --noreset was given. See also the --hangup option. (Default: Disabled) NOTICE: Picocom clears the modem control lines on exit by setting the HUPCL control bit of therespective port. Picocom always sets HUPCL according to the --noreset and --hangup options. If --noreset is given and --hangup is not, then HUPCL for the port is cleared and will remain soafter exiting picocom. If --noreset is not given, or if both --noreset and --hangup are given, then HUPCL is set for the port and will remain so after exiting picocom. This is true, regardless ofthe way picocom terminates (command, read zero-bytes from standard input, killed by signal,fatal error, etc), and regardless of the --noinit option. """ return False @contextlib.contextmanager def picocomconnect(self, mach: linux.LinuxShell) -> channel.Channel: args = [] if self.noreset: args.append("-r") args.append("-b") args.append(self.baudrate) args.append("-l") args.append(self.device) ch = mach.open_channel("picocom", *args) try: yield ch finally: ch.sendcontrol("A") ch.sendcontrol("Q") # some usb adapters need here an delay... if self.delay != 0.0: time.sleep(self.delay) def connect(self, mach: linux.LinuxShell) -> channel.Channel: return self.picocomconnect(mach)